Gamers will be able to experience the Burning Crusade pre-patch at 10pm PDT

If you want to be part of the release of Burning Crusade Classic, but haven’t finished leveling a suitable hero in WoW Classic, you will be able to get started right away thanks to the Blizzard character boost. If you buy this service, an adventurer of your choice will be brought to level 58, but also with four bags with 14 spaces each (Warlocks and Jägermeisters only get three, but a soul stone bag or a quiver) and equipped with a people’s mount. On top of that, all weapon skills increase to level 290, and the character learns to ride inexperienced.

A message from Blizzard confirms: “Current maintenance has been extended until 6:00 PM (PDT). We apologize for any disruption and hope to restore service quickly.”

Meanwhile, the same Burning Crusade Pre Patch has a release date set for Wednesday, May 19 in Europe, with maintenance starting at 00:01am BST and ending at 8am BST.

This is when the two new playable species of expansion, Draenei and Blood Elf, will become available, along with their new starting zones and cities. This will also give Horde members access to the Paladin caste, while the Alliance’s new allies can strengthen their raids with Shaman science.

So what are you getting with the WoW Classic Burning Crusade pre-patch? You’ll first need to decide whether you want to take your current WoW Classic character onto the Burning Crusade server or if you’d rather stick with WoW Classic. If you fancy a bit of both, you can clone your character. Blizzard initially stuck the price on this at $35 (around £25) though the developer has since shrunk the cost to $15 (around £10) following criticism from fans.

The Burning Crusade will be the next major expansion to launch in the WoW Classic, with the development team promising to include all the best content and experience from when it first launched back in 2007.

The WoW Classic Burning Crusade isn’t scheduled to launch until June 1, but as many gamers will already know, each major World of Warcraft experience first needs a pre-patch.

Restrictions for Boost Players
Characters who only reached level 58 thanks to such a boost and can enter Outland are still subject to some restrictions. Among other things, such characters are not allowed to enter any dungeons or raids within the first 24 hours. The boost is also not available for draenei / blood elves – so you cannot get yourself an alliance shamans or horde paladins so quickly. In addition, you are only allowed to level one character on your account in this way. If you want to transfer the boosted character to another realm, you have to wait 72 hours.

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